
Partially adapted from bibliographies in La Philosophie non-standard de François Laruelle (ed. Anne-Françoise, Maryse Dennes & John Ó Maiolearca) and Alien Theory: The Decline of Materialism in the Name of Matter (auth. Ray Brassier).

Note on the Periodization

The periodization is my own deviation from the standard one (i.e., the most recently published one, found in Philosophie non-standard, updated to include everything published after that as well as the omissions — notably, Mystique non-philosophique à l’usage des contemporains), placing some newly published texts according to the level of non-philosophy therein as well as when they might have been written. The phases themselves were initially indicated in the front matter of Laruelle’s monographs and specific placements have been superseded more than once. That said, the periodization into phases is really only valid for monographs that were published while Laruelle was still actively writing and publishing works. All published works post-Tétralogos, un opéra de philosophies are either translations of already published texts or old manuscripts that were not published near the time of writing for a litany of reasons. The phases are not as discrete as one might think either and, in the context of Laruelle’s larger but unseen complete body of work, start to crumble under their own weight.

In sum, otherwise unperiodized books are placed wherever I think is right. I am less interested in historiography than in the complexity and elaboration of the non-philosophical apparatus (even if the two are not mutually exclusive).

Laruelle, "Retrospection (2014)", Preface to the English Edition of Theory of Identities

As for us, it is time to sound the alarm and to clarify an ambiguous situation. We hesitate between two modes of classification grounded in the style of our object, a corpuscular mode earlier and—given the final impossibility of maintaining this corpuscular distinction between stages or eras—an undulatory mode now. Each of non-philosophy’s works contains all of this in an indivisible or “holistic” way. But even the division into stages or steps serves to mark doses or proportions, nuances and accents that should not be dogmatically isolated. Non-philosophy is a system of stages as much as of phases, of particles as much as of flows or waves. It is risky to prefer the classification by steps or stages and to fail to notice the waves that sweep them away and render every classification undecidable. -


Philosophie I

Philosophie II

Philosophie III

Philosophie IV

Philosophie V

Philosophie VI 1

Translated Collections of Essays Written by Laruelle

  • The Non-Philosophy Project: Essays by François Laruelle, ed. Alkon Gabriel & Gunjevic Boris, New York: Telos Press Publishing, 2012.

  • From Decision to Heresy: Experiments in Non-Standard Thought, ed. Robin Mackay, New York: Sequence Press, 2013.

Edited by Laruelle

  • Textes pour Emmanuel Levinas, Paris: Jean-Michel Place, 1980.

  • La Décision philosophique, 10 issues, Paris: éditions Osiris, 1987-9.

  • Du mode d’existence des objets techniques, auth. Gilbert Simondon, Paris: Aubier, coll. « RES, l’invention philosophique », 1989.

  • L’individuation psychique et collective, auth. Gilbert Simondon, Paris: Aubier, coll. « RES, l’invention philosophique », 1989.

  • La non-philosophie des contemporains, Paris: Kimé, 1995.

  • Discipline hérétique, Paris: Kimé, 1998.

  • Dictionnaire de la non-philosophie, with Tony Brachet, Gilbert Kieffer, Laurent Leroy, Daniel Nicolet, Anne-Françoise, Serge Valdinoci, Paris: Kimé, 1998.

  • Homo ex machina, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2005.

  • Fabriques de l’insécurité, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2007.


  1. While “Philosophie VI” is not used by anyone, I think that, as long as we’re bothering with the phases, En dernière humanité. La nouvelle science écologique and Tétralogos, un opéra de philosophies occupy their own place.